Introduction to My EIS Innovation.


My name is Thunsuta Na Lampang.
I am a computer teacher at Sobprabpittayakom School.
I have been teaching for 25 years.

“My EIS innovation” means the innovation that the developer was develop for a “Create a website using a package program” course for Mattayomsuksa 4 students in the second semester at Sobprabpittayakom School.

“EIS” is stand for English for Integrated Studies means basic training for none English speaking teaching using as a medium of teaching techniques of Thai primary and secondary school.

The innovation tools are consists of:

1. Quizzes: There are 5 quiz items for the pretest and 5 quiz items for the post test in each chapter.

2. Contents:There are 6 lesson chapters using a WordPress weblog in the course “Create a website using a package program” as follows:

                  2.1 Chapter 1                  WordPress Signup

                  2.2 Chapter 2                 Add Pages and Create menus

                  2.3 Chapter 3                 Add, Edit and Delete media and Links

                  2.4 Chapter 4                  Posts

                  2.5 Chapter 5                  Widgets

                  2.6 Chapter 6                  Presentation

3. The chapter’s VDO : There are 6 demonstrations of VDO for the students to study with the teacher step by step are cover all of course’s contents.

4. Other resources : There are included 4 others type of file such as .doc, .ppt, .pdf and VDO files in the same contents in each chapter. The teacher take all of this from the internet resources to help students understand more.

5. Teaching in classroom: An example 4 VDO’s classroom teaching clips in the Add Pages and Create menus topic with the students in M4/1 for 4 periods to let all of visitor know the real EIS in computer class.

6. Examination Midterm: There are 4 random multiple choices quizzes of items for the student to do. The teacher will know the students results after they have finished all of 6 contents.

7. Student’s assignment : All of website from students who practice to create website with WordPress program with this subject in 2 semesters.

8. Questionnaire: There is an 8 item satisfaction questionnaire online for this innovation. It is open for interested people of the general public and to share their opinions.

Hopefully my EIS innovation has unlimited use for students and interested people in the general public are useful and motivates for many Thai teachers to develop new innovations in English for Thai students and our country.